Random Musings #7.9

Previous entries: Random Musings #7, Random Musings #7.1, Random Musings #7.2, Random Musings #7.3, Random Musings #7.4, Random Musings #7.5, Random Musings #7.6, Random Musings #7.7, Random Musings #7.8

Raising my group after a quick breakfast, I sat down across from Martin, Beth, and two other members of Martin’s group. Max sat on my right, Beth on my left.

Martin said “The storm has passed Jack, which puts me in a perplexing situation. Without your groups’ assistance, last night would have had a severely bleaker outcome. For that everyone in my group is incredibly grateful. Yet I gave you a verbal contract about sheltering your group, and I have fulfilled it. Which makes it your priority to leave, completing your half of the agreement. However, after a late meeting with my advisors, I have a proposal to make on behalf of my group. While you will be told shortly what that is, I’m most curious to know your plan when you choose to leave.”

Glancing over at Beth, before switching my gaze to Max, for a brief moment. Looking at Martin, I asked, “How much have you heard about Quietus, through these barricaded walls?”

Martin responded “Much and yet very little simultaneously. I believe people exaggerate what they hear through whispers and white noise radio, the apocalypse just amplifies it. If the rumors are to be believed, this place is where humanity has taken its final stand. Some place where the snow is filled with snow, hope, and gunpowder. For a place seeking to preserve humanity, I’m curious to know why they reveal as little as possible about it. I imagine there is more to it than that, but that is what I believe.”

I said “Fair enough. That was where I was hoping to lead my group before you encountered us. I would prefer to continue the way there if we leave. ”

Martin said “Interesting Jack,” scratching his chin a little. “The proposal I offer extends to everyone in your group, but that will only be once. Out two groups merging, becoming a fellowship of sorts. Your group will have to work and defend this hospital like mine does. That being stated, Max and you would be given leadership positions, and spots on my council. Keeping things running smoothly, as everyone gets used to having more people around. I will give you two hours to think it over, among your group,” standing up. “Everyone in my group please follow me out. Send everyone from Jack’s group in for their private discussion,” walking out of the room. Followed quickly by the two members of his group that sat beside him.

Beth lingered behind, as my group slowly made their way inside the room. Making me wonder if she was going to follow us if we left. Trying to fill the parental role for Jet and Jillian.

Random Musings #7.8

Previous entries: Random Musings #7, Random Musings #7.1, Random Musings #7.2, Random Musings #7.3, Random Musings #7.4, Random Musings #7.5, Random Musings #7.6. Random Musings #7.7

Following the sound up the stairs, at a breakneck pace. Trying not to trip on our own feet in the process.  Wishing I had my gun on me as I pushed on the door leading to the roof. Seeing three of the predators were on the roof alive and to more dead. Taking turns to fire on them from the limited cover. Keeping them at a safe distance. The creatures didn’t seem to notice us, as they were bombarded with bullets and rain.

Somone I didn’t recognize, waved us over. Sprinting over the slippery rooftop, I made my way over. The others following quickly behind.  A large scoped rife was forced into my hands before the creatures were pointed at. Making the fire motion with his fingers, before resuming to fire. I didn’t recognize much about the rifle, but it looked military.

Relying on outdated military training I did my best to line up the weapon properly. Feeling around for the bolt release and trigger. Gripping the bolt release carefully, I pulled it back releasing a spent cartridge. Letting the bolt go forward by itself. Peering down the scope, keeping my eye a few inches away.  Taking careful aim, knowing the wind could move the bullets intended trajectory. Finding a decent shot at the creature on the left side of the roof. Holding my breath, I fired into the monster’s neck. A little right of where I aimed. The creature growled deep in pain, before boldly charging forward. Letting its dark green blood leak down its body in the process. Chambering another round, I readied myself to make another shot.  Before I could fire the creature slide forward, landing on its neck hard. Releasing a loud crack as the monster’s neck broke.

The other two monsters’ released a fierce-some high-pitched howl, as their wings sprouted out of their backs. I could tell if that meant they were fleeing or doing something else.

Before they could manage to do anything I quickly fired another round. Aiming for the wing in an attempt to keep them grounded. Either one escaping would be dangerous. The others seemed to follow my idea, as the one I hit starting falling back to the roof. Quickly chamber another round I did the same thing to the one still aloft. Releasing another howl, as it began slowly plummet. Laning with a thud, that kicked up a circle of water.

Without fully realizing it, I managed to fire four shots in rapid succession. Wounding them once more, before killing them with a second shot. Believing so anyway, since I had seen these things take a lot of bullets before being killed. There were vulnerable parts on beneath their armor like skin.It seemed biology failed in shielding any joints, and the wings from what I noticed. Maybe these things had different stages of their existence.

The rain continued to pound the roof as everyone returned inside. Drenched, tired, and yet reeking of gunpowder, fear, and adrenaline. The scent following us down the stairs. Hopefully not infecting the air, with its odorous mix. A disposal method would have to be agreed to if the storm ever lets up.

Finally, we enter the door to the third floor. Martin somehow managed to get ahead of everyone. Hobbling toward the center of the room, as if it was his personal stage. I had to admit the man was highly charismatic.

He waited for every member of both groups to be in the room before clearing his throat. “The storm brought the abominations to our door and we repelled them. Yet, we were not alone in this endeavor. With aid of strangers, we managed to push the creatures back, before eliminating them. Granting us a brief respite as the storm continues to rage on. If we need their help again, we may not have time to fetch their weapons. Which is why I will allow them to hold on to them, ” receiving a mix of cheers and boos after saying that. “Yet, at the same time, two of those strangers managed to bring two of our own back to us. Along with valuable medical supplies, from beyond the quarantined door. Now some of you may have your suspicions about them, but these people worked to no-longer be strangers but friends. I would suggest to everyone who can, rest up and clean your weapons after you get on some dry clothes. Everyone else, change into to some dry clothes and warm up before resuming your duties. This storm isn’t over yet, and we are still are high alert,” raising his pistol into the air. Shouting “We will endure,” receiving cheers from the room.


Writing routine progress after a month


After a full month of writing every day, I will admit it has been productive. I imagine being determined to stick to it has allowed the creative juices to stay in constant flow, or as close to constant as they can be. Yet, I’m not sure how much I actually wrote since most days I passed my paragraph a day goal. Given the fruitful nature of it so far, I’m realizing it is time to increase it. Doubling the goal for next two weeks, than deciding how to proceed from there.  

Even though I will admit, I have fallen slightly behind in typing them up. Which is seems to be simultaneously good, and bad. I should work on keeping the digital document version as updated as possible, just finding the time is a challenge. Maybe I just need more coffee, and less sleep, haha. File Jul 27, 11 08 46 AM

Now before I forget, I have now exceeded 125 followers on here. Thanks for the follow, everyone

Six Sentence Stories #11

Growing up,I had always heard tales of the voices of the forest. According to the tales the voices belonged to spirits and creatures of the forest. Now as I look for my daughter, in the forest only being guided by the light of the stars and a the flame of a torch. I shouted “Helen, where are you?” My voice echoed off the trees, and came back to me. Another voice echoed back “Your daughter is ours.”

Concluding July

9th doctor grinning idea

I could say July has been unproductive but that would be a lie. Honestly between the Cherished Blogfest this past weekend, getting my room repainted, and concluding the writing of Rise (Seasons of Dragons and Death,) the month has been productive.

Usually in the beginning of each month I post my goals for the month under my Monthly Sum-ups and Goals for the month. For this month they were these:

  1. Look into making an author Facebook and Google plus account
  2. Finish and start editing Rise (Seasons of Dragons and Death)
  3. Redraw the map with more detail and insert it into the first draft
  4. Look into getting a cover made for it
  5. Make a final synopsis, and a query letter for publishers
  6. Create an email list
  7. Get to 15000 words in Anarchy
  8. Reach 100 followers on here
  9. Reach 500 to 750 followers on Twitter

While I may not have got all my goals accomplished, I feel content with how much I have managed to get down in thirty days.  Of course getting my room painted and remodeled some took up more time than I expected caused some delay. Ah, the great joy of having to wait for paint to dry.

Top posts for the month:

  1. Cherished Blogfest: What is my cherished object?
  2. cherished-blogfest-second-round-of-treasured-objects
  3. Someone bring me some inspiration and some coffee, please
  4. Creative Resurgence
  5. Cherished Blogfest: Final day of cherished objects

Some slight news, I now do posts at Graphic policy as well. I cover comics books, and science and fantasy shows. Hopefully next month will be just as productive.

Overly productive weekend and a question.

After almost 4,000 words, Friday split between my current projects Rise (death and a dragon), and Anarchy. Along with an additional 2,500 words over the past two days, I’m feeling a case of the Mondays.

monday gif

Hopefully tomorrow will be better and my spark of creativity and inspiration will return with a torrent of thoughts. It would help if this strange sense of exhaustion will be gone as well, and the hiccups I can’t seem to get rid of today, for some reason.

Now on the question. Despite the exhaustion of my body, I couldn’t shake a thought today. There is old phrase, that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that is true than why are some people so set against counting graphic novels and comic books as actual stories. It doesn’t make sense to me. What are your thoughts? Should graphic novels be counted as complete literary novels, or should they not?  Or are they something else entirely?

Personally I think they should be, but I have some bias as someone who grew up reading comic books, and watching the shows that were inspired by them.  I’m curious to see what other people think on this matter. Please comment below, what your thoughts are. Are you against this? Are you for it? Or something else?


batman thinking

I have begun to realize as much as I could make my main focus, 1000 pages and explore the possibilities i have hinted at I write,  It would be doubtful a publisher would take a chance a on it as one book. Especially since I’m not a well known author.  It feels like it would be better to split the novel into three or four parts, with a manuscript of around 300-350 pages a piece. Since I may have inadvertently written the chapter earlier today, that could be used for it. Despite not being near 300 pages yet, but I have yet to space out everything properly. Already at close to 250 pages, once I space out the 30+ chapters it will be there. It doesn’t help that I have hinted at lands across the sea, and another species of bipedal Anthropomorphic race. Along with so much more. Which may lead to a manuscript of close to 800- to 1000 pages, which is probably not a good idea for a new author. Maybe I will write it all at once than break it down into three or four pieces and make it a saga  instead of some giant standalone book.

As to my other current project, Anarchy. it is going well. My inspiration for that comes in spontaneous and random waves, which is frustrating at times. Since I’m more focused on turning it into a graphic novel, I’m writing it like one.I  guess I can’t hide the fact, that I grew up on old superheroro shows. One might say I was geeked at birth.